Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Disembodied voices.

It was the first year. I was looking for Christmas presents.Christmas wasn't really something I wanted to celebrate but I couldn't disappoint my nephews and nieces. No matter what had happened to me, their lives were still filled with the joy and  wonderment of the season. I found a  sound recorder on special and thought that may be nice for my nephew. My younger son loved sound recorders  and when I showed it to him he asked if he could have it. Being the softy I am, I said "Of Course." He had a great time that afternoon recording his voice. It was nice to see him smiling , if only for a while. To operate the sound recorder, you had to hold a button as you talked. To replay you pressed the play button.My son left the sound recorder in the kitchen over night. The next day he went to use it again and pressed the "play'" button to recall what he had recorded the day before. He said,"Mum ,Listen to this. It was David's voice and it said," I am David." Replaying it over and over again, there was no denying it. It WAS David's voice. The sound recorder has not been used since and the voice is still there when you press play.

I was getting dressed one day when I distinctly heard my name called. It was a man's voice and reminded me of my maternal grandfather. I asked my husband and son if they had called me and both denied it. The voice was not in my head and I really heard it. Soon after I went to see a medium and told her about it. She said,"You are realising that this world isn't real!"
Just this week I heard David's voice, calling his brother by name. The same tone, the same inflection. Again the voice was not in my head.

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