How can you go through life, blinded.Why does it take a tragic event to remove the blinkers from your eyes. I went through 50 years like this. I often wonder if I had opened my eyes sooner would my son would still be here.Here is a reply I wrote to another grieving ,mum. It explains some of what I mean.
Dear Alicia, you are not silly and thanks for sharing with us. Your spiritual eyes have been opened as have mine through the loss of our sons. I wish it could have been another way. The first time I began to question was when I got my first ADC's. Then I went to a medium and she told me that I am beginning to realise this world isn't real. Wow! that really woke me up. I had never thought that before.Since then I have noticed so many things that point me to this conclusion. There is so much serendipity and synchronicity.I know this world is not what it seems.Our limited humaness prevents us from seeing the truth.It is like we have blinkers on.It is so hard to see beyond this reality as it is so real to us while we are here but I believe we can if we try. The answer is to,"believe."Everything is for a reason, every word, every encounter.When something happens now I ask "why?" instead of just putting it down as co incidence.Our sons are still very much alive, they know the real truth and are continuing to help and guide us on our earthly journey.Love to you.
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