I was sitting in my car waiting for my younger son to finish college as I was picking him up. On came a song on the radio that I have never heard before.It was basically just music and the words saying, "open your mind." My son hopped in the car and said,"Mum, look at the time." it was 11:11. Do you think this was a message for me?
About a week ago I asked David if he could send a kookaburra also called kingfisher(Australian bird) to let me know he is OK. (I know I ask for, too much) Well, we decided to go into, Sydney City, last Sunday. David loved going into the city. We have only been a handful of times since he passed as it is too painful.Well on the trip in on the main highway I just happened to glance up at a light pole and there was a lone kookaburra sitting on the top.No other birds anywhere.Now I haven't seen a kookaburra in such a long time. Last night at home I heard the kookaburras laugh.I couldn't see them but they must have been in a tree nearby. They have a very distinctive laughing sound. I haven't heard this for a few years. If we ask we receive.
I was on the way home when I pulled up at the lights. I thought it would be nice to get an ADC from David. David was killed at a place called Castle Hill Tavern on 7/7/07.At the lights a truck pulled up beside me.It had a load of trailers on the back. I glanced at the last trailer. It's licence plate was 77-TAV.I completely lost it and started blubbering. Thank you David.
What are the odds.
Yesterday I was driving to pick my son up and I asked David to show me a licence plate. ( I know I am greedy).Straight up beside me comes a car with the plate HE4VEN. I nearly jumped out of my seat and it was such an old nondescript car driven by a little old lady.I have never seen a plate like that before. Then in the other lane was a car with the licence plate 000 777 .
I couldn't believe it.I think someone heard me.Thank you Angels and David.
I bought a movie called"The 13th Floor" with Vincent D'onofrio. It's an old movie but sounded good. It's about alternate realities. My husband and I watched it on Saturday night.Afterwards I looked up Wikipedia to read about it and found it was filmed at 777 S Figuero St, Los Angeles and the main character was called David. For those that don't know I take 777 as my son, David's number. I see lots of 777's.
Then today while at the DVD/music store (they play background music) Well they played "Forever Young," which was played at my friend's son's funeral.As I was thinking about him and how sad it was the song finished and on came, "Straight Lines," played at my son's funeral. Now these songs are 5 and 4 years old, so what are the odds???
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