Sunday, February 6, 2011

First signs from Dave.

It was the day before the funeral. People had been dropping in all day and all the days before.We had  the police and newspaper reporters hassling us .I had spent a good part of the day putting together a photo shop for the funeral. It was very upsetting going through all the wonderful photos and realising this was all I had left of David. I had been on auto pilot and it was all starting to come crashing down.  All I wanted was to crawl into a hole, never to emerge again, but David deserved more than that.We were all totally exhausted but we had to write the eulogy. So we holed ourselves up in the rumpus room,my husband, younger son and myself with my son on the computer.Me, crawled up in a ball occassionally glancing at the tv screen which was turned down. We were talking about all the wonderful things about David when suddenly I realised the T.V had frozen. It was on,"That 70's Show.  The main character Eric Foreman was speaking. He had stopped in mid move and mid sentence. His hand forming the thumbs up. David always gave the thumbs up.Look at the photo I have attached.
We replayed the scene as we ran our T.V through the DVD player at that stage.. Eric was saying,"That's great. I feel great. What a great day." then his hand moved on. He wasn't making a thumbs up at all but that's how his hand appeared where it froze.We were dumb struck. David was always saying,"great."His last words to me were" I'm having a great time."
Somehow I think David did have a great day and felt great. He is now free from the confines and problems of this earthly existence. He doesn't have to put up with the daily pain and crap that we that are still here have to endure.I hope you are having a blast wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. They have lots of power of electrical things - it seems they find that easiest to do. A wonderful sign, sent to you just before you needed it xxx
