Monday, February 28, 2011

Synchronicities and strange happenings.

About a year after David graduated earth School. I was visiting the cemetary to place flowers. As usual the cemetary was empty. The place only comes "alive," at the weekend with families visiting their loved ones. During the week, the place is desolate and lonely with a sense of unhappiness- the realm of the dead.I decided to park my car in a different place and as I got out I spotted a lone figure bending over a grave in, "the garden of Innocence," the last resting place of the tiny babies that sometimes didn't make even one day on Earth. as I got closer I realised I knew the person. It was, Marie, the mother of one of my younger son's old school friends. She had lost a much awaited female baby, ( she is the mother of 4 boys)  to heart problems when she was not even six months old. I had not seen her for some years and then she was only an aquantiance. Marie told me that she hadn't been to the cemetary for a long time but for some reason, this day she had to come. I think it was meant to be. Marie and I from then onwards got together for coffee and lunch on a number of occassions. One day she told me that her mother had been involved in spirituality for quite sometime. Her mother had given her the name of a psychic that she thought was meant for me and not her. It was Ezio Deangeles.
Ezio was performing at Blacktown Workers Club. Two of my friends and I went to see him. Nothing amazing happened but I had been drawn into the world of spirituality and this was apparently to become a bigger part of my life.

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